Our Story
One Voice
Churches and Christian organisations from across Birmingham have been meeting together regularly since the tragic death of George Floyd took place on 25th May 2020. The heart and passion of the group is centred around Christian unity, harmony, speaking with one voice regarding racism, injustice and racial inequality. The group has discussed how the church, the body of Christ can unite around the issues of racial disharmony and injustice.

After many early morning meetings and prayers we are pleased to announce the drafting of a charter which we believe captures the heart of our Lord’s prayer (in John 17) for oneness, unity and harmony in his body. We believe that what exists already in heaven between Father, Son and Holy Spirit should be mirrored and reflected on earth, and this should be at the heart of his body, his church, resulting in the world seeing this love, harmony and oneness - that they might believe in him.
We are looking for wider input and buying into this charter.
Is this something your church, denomination or organisation can sign up to?
We are living in times of great opportunity for Christians.
The worldwide reaction to the murder of George Floyd cries out for the voice of the Church to be heard in response. The Church must, through serving its local community, demonstrate the heart and pronounce the Word of God to the contemporary world.
The Lord Jesus Christ prayed, that we would be one even as the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit are one. His prayer was a statement of unity, harmony and oneness of heart and action requiring His followers to demonstrate the love of God in a broken world. The Holy Spirit is shouting both at the church, and through the church to the Nation, demanding harmony, equality and oneness.
God yearns for “justice to flow like water, and righteousness like a never-ending stream”. Wherever the evils of institutional racism exists it must be confidently identified, challenged and eradicated.
The call of God is for the Church to reflect deeply and respond appropriately to the issues of racism, injustice and privileges which it has enjoyed at the expense of others.
The call is for the Church to develop and adopt a well thought out strategy which will provide a vision for reforming the racial imbalances within the Church, within the Community and within local and National Institutions including Government at every level.
As Black Caribbean, African, White and Asian churches, we commit ourselves to the short, medium and long term spiritual, economic, spiritual and social regeneration of our communities.
When God looks at His church, His family, He sees One Body..
His People! We are all One in Christ Jesus our Lord.​
We have …
Called Black and White church leaders across the city to respond to the issue of racism and injustice sparked by the death of George Floyd - (17/6/2020)
Produced a video response from churches, (see RESOURCES) united across the city from various denominations and cultural backgrounds representing the voice of the Body of Christ.
Recognised that due to the current societal response ‘barriers have been lowered and there is a willingness’ to tackle these issues.
Continued to build relationships with leaders across church denominations.
Recognised the need for open and honest conversations.
Prayed together and listened to each other with humility and grace.
Begun to discuss what needs to be done if we are to dismantle racism in our city - and the purpose and role of the Time4Change group.
Identified some starting points (such as the need to come together with relationship building, put our own houses in order and for the churches to speak as one voice).
Identified the different church networks and groups in our city.
Been meeting with leaders from the different church networks, groups and denominations in the city to listen and understand their journey and heart regarding the matter of racism and injustice in our city- with representatives from – Church of England, Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Elim, AoG, COGOP, NTCOG,WMFIA, BCT,
Discussion of ‘What Christ raised up looks like’.
Discussed how we can develop something we can pass on to the next generation who will take and lead this into the next 10 years.
Discussed ‘what we want to see in our city’ - Taking forward Isaiah 58: 6-14 – For our city, For our Nation, For our world.
Begun to develop a theological statement.
Produced a charter.
Engaged the wider Body of Christ through Time4Change Prayer meeting – (25th October 2020)
City Wide Reconciliation Service at Birmingham City's Football Ground (17 October 2021)
City Wide Celebration and Prayer Event at NTCG, Lozells (16 October 2022)
Birmingham Leaders' Summit at Mount Zion Community Church (12 Nov 2022)
Following the Leader's Summit, we widened the scope of the network to focus on Unity for the Great Commission & the Great Commandment, as we develop a Greater Collaboration, while continuing to pray and pursue racial unity across the churches.
Renamed the Network 'TIME4BRUM' - Jan 2023
City Wide Leaders' Prayer Zoom started (First Wed of the month 8am) April 2023 (and In -Person prayer Gatherings continue hosted at Birmingham City Church (3rd Thurs 8:15am)